2-step verification adds a second login authentication and confers an additional layer of security to your GEVME user account.

The user is encouraged to set up both options - “SMS and Through an APP”, so that you can switch between the options in case the SMS method is not available.  

1A. Admin allow users to turn on 2FA themselves

If your Admin has enabled this feature, you will be able to turn on

1. Login to your account via www.gevme.com/home

2. Click on your profile / Settings

3. Go to Account / Security

4. Under 2-Step Verification, click Turn On

1B. Admin enforced 2 FA 

If your Admin has enforced this, you will be prompted to set up 2FA upon logging in

2. Follow the video to configure both SMS and Authenticator to secure your account.

To learn more about 2FA, click on the following URLs:
- Setup Two-Factor Authentication - 2FA

- I have changed my phone number and could not access Gevme