1. Gevme Classic

Below is an example of Gevme Classic. In this layout, the event banner appears in a vertical format on the left of your event page:

The dimensions of the banner image of Classic View should be as follows:

  1. Width: 430 px (required)
  2. Height: At least 1000 px (recommended)

Design Guidelines and Recommendations

For optimal results, when designing the banner (or cropping the picture to be used for your banner), keep the key elements and most important items of your banner in the top 700 px of the image. For instance, in the example of the banner image below, the key elements are kept in the top 700 px of the image, highlighted in red:

2. Stellar

In Stellar's template, the event banner is presented horizontally at the top of the event page, prominently featuring the Event Name as the main focus.

The dimensions of the banner image of Stellar should be as follows:

  1. Width: 1366 px (recommended)
  2. Height: 500 px (required)

3. Skye

In Skye's template, the event banner is displayed horizontally at the top, showcasing the full event details including the Event Name, Dates, and Venue.

The dimensions of the banner image of Skye should be as follows:

  1. Width: 1366 px (recommended)
  2. Height: 903 px (required)

4. Gravity

In Gravity's template, the event banner is showcased horizontally at the top of the page, featuring the complete event details such as the Event Name, Dates, and Venue. These details are centered and displayed with a gradient at the bottom of the page

The dimensions of the banner image of Gravity should be as follows:

  1. Width: 1366 px (recommended)
  2. Height: 725 px (required)

5. Horizon

Below is an example of Horizon In this layout, the event banner appears in a horizontal format on the top of the event page.

The dimensions of the banner image of Horizon should be as follows:

  1. Width: 1366 px (recommended)
  2. Height: 480 px (required)

6. Galaxy

Below is an example of Galaxy. 

Banner Dimensions

The dimensions of the banner image of Galaxy should be as follows:

  1. Width: 1024 px (required)
  2. Height: 434 px (recommended)