Once you've added a field to your form, selecting it - by clicking on it - will show its settings in the third column on the right. This section of the article will explain the basic field settings common to all types of fields. The selected field in the example here is a checkboxes field and the settings covered are highlighted by the orange dots:

1. Field Label

The field label is the text/question that you want to address to the user, e.g. in the case above, it's "What type of event(s) do you organize?".

2. Field Type

This is the type of the selected field. This can be changed from one type to another. However, do keep in mind that depending on the field type that you change from/to, the settings will be different.

3. Admin Label

This is the text which displays as the column header for this field in the grid in the backend. By default, this is set to be the same as the field label, but can be changed for convenience. For example here, it has been changed to "Type of event". This means that when you go to the Attendees grid (because this is the Attendee form here), the header for this column will display as "Type of event" instead of "What type of event do you organize?":

4. Field Name

The field name is a unique identifier for each field. Therefore, two field names cannot be the same on the same form. Among other things, the field name is used to sync data between collections in GEVME. For more information on data syncing, see the article Syncing Fields Across GEVME.

5. Instructions to User

Use this to show additional text or instructions to the user if required. The text entered here will display below the field on the form, in italics:

6. Field Options

  • Read-only
    This will make the field readonly, thus non-editable to the participant. 
  • Compulsory
    This will make the field compulsory, thus required to be filled in. 
  • Unique value (No duplicate)
    Choosing this means that the value of this field has to be unique for each record in the corresponding collection. For example, if you set the Email field to be unique in the Attendee form (which is the default setting), this means that no two attendees will be able to register with the same email.  
  • Customize visibility
    This setting allows you to hide/show the field based on certain criteria. See the article Customizing the Visibility of a Field for more information.