Cancelling an Order

To cancel an order, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Orders in the left-hand navigation:

        2. Under the Orders screen, click on the order for which you want to receive payment.

Tip: You can search for the order by searching for the name or email address of the buyer, or the order number if it was provided to you by the buyer (the order number can be found in the invoice sent to the buyer).

        3. Clicking on the order will open the Order Details screen for that order:

        4. Click on the Cancel Order button in the toolbar:

        5. This will open a prompt to confirm if you want to cancel the order:

        6. Click on the red Cancel Order button to cancel the order.

        7. If there was payment made for this order, you will be prompted if you would like to issue a refund to the buyer:



Note: For more information on the process of issuing a refund, see the article Refunding a Buyer


  1. You can also cancel an order right from the orders grid by selecting the order in the grid and clicking on the Cancel Order button in the grid's toolbar:

        2. Using this method, i.e. cancelling from the grid, you can cancel more than 1 order at a time.

What happens when an order is cancelled?

When you cancel an order, the following will happen:

  1. The order will be marked as cancelled and all the attendees under the order will be cancelled:

        2. The order will be moved to the Cancelled/Deleted Orders list under the Orders grid. It will therefore, still be accessible from that list.

        To access the Cancelled/Deleted Orders list:

  1. Under the Orders grid, click on the list selector in the top lefthand corner of the grid.

        2. In the dropdown which appears, click on the Cancelled/Deleted Orders lists.

         3. This will show you the list of cancelled and deleted orders. 

        3. As mentioned in point #1 above, all the attendees under the cancelled order will also be cancelled. This means that after you cancel the order, the attendees will be cancelled and moved to the Cancelled/Deleted Attendees.

            To access the Cancelled/Deleted Attendees list:

  1. Under the Attendees grid, click on the list selector in the top lefthand corner of the grid.

        2. In the dropdown which appears, click on the Cancelled/Deleted Attendees lists.

        3. This will show you the list of cancelled and deleted attendees.

Deleting an Order

In GEVME you have the option to either Cancel an order or Delete an order from the Orders Grid or under an Order.  
When an order is created, corresponding contact records will be created in the Contacts module. If the contact already exists (based on email address), then it will be updated with the new data.
- If the admin cancels the order, all attendees under the order will be cancelled and the corresponding contacts will still remain. 
- If the admin deletes the order, all attendees under the order will be deleted and the corresponding contacts will be deleted or will be rolled back to the previous stage.