If for whatever reason you have to refund a buyer, the refund transaction can be recorded in GEVME such that the order status can be updated accordingly. Please note that GEVME itself does not allow you to refund the money to the participant (that would have to be settled separately, e.g. by sending them a cheque or sending them the money through bank transfer), but only allows you to record the transaction.

Refund a buyer

  1. Click on Orders in the left hand navigation:

        2. Under the Orders screen, click on the order for which you want to receive payment.


        3. This will open up the Order Details screen for that order:

As it can be seen in the screen above, this order's payment status is completed, the total amount for the order is $200.00 and it is fully paid. The amount due is 0.00. 

All these details can be seen in the box on the right of the Order Details screen:

        4. Click on the Transaction button in the toolbar, then on Refund in the dropdown which appears:

        5. This will open up the New Transaction - Refund popup:

Following is an explanation of each option:

  1. Date
    This is today's date when you initiate the refund.
  2. Type
    This is the method by which you intend to refund the participant. The options are:

  1. Cheque
  2. Bank Transfer
  3. Cash
  4. Paypal
  5. Offline Credit Card
  6. Other Refund
  7. GEVME Payment Gateway

3. Amount
Key in the amount that you want to refund here.

4. Description
Add some information for your own record here (this is optional). For example, if the payment method is cheque, you could key in the cheque number here, or if payment will be made through bank transfer, you could key in the transaction number.

5. Printout Note
This option allows you to specify a note which will be shown on the transaction printout. This also is optional.

6. Create a matching credit transaction
Keep the “Create a matching Credit transaction” box checked to offset the refunded amount from your account balance.

7. Submit
To record and confirm the refund transaction, click on the green Submit button.

Note: If you are using GEVME payment gateway

For administrative record purpose, you will have to choose "GEVME Payment Gateway" as payment type. This will ensure that the accounting admin in GEVME team can proceed to do the refund accordingly.

The transaction shows 'Pending approval' status as follows:

Please proceed to reach to GSI Finance team with the Order ID, to process the refund.

Cancel an Order

1. If your attendee wants to cancel order, please follow the steps in this article: Cancelling the Order 

2. If you refund a duplicated payment, when creating refund request, there's no need to tick the box "create corresponding credit transaction" because there is already one completed payment, and no need to offset the paid amount.