Contacts is the central repository where the core data from your attendees across all your events are collected and stored. Think of it as your central contacts/address book. When participants register for your events, their core data are pushed to and compiled under your Contacts (or if an attendee is already a contact, their data is updated in Contacts). The email address is the field which is used to match and sync your attendees to your contacts.
In the top bar, Click on the 'Contacts' section.
Which you will get directed to this layout. On the Top left hand corner displays the total number of Contacts across your Organisation.
Here's what you can do for Contacts:
- Customized Contact fields
- Customized Predefined fields
- Filter columns to display
On your top right hand corner of the page, click on the Settings Icon, which gave you an option to:
- Customize Contact fields
You're able to customize to show which field that you want to capture and display.
- Customize Predefined fields
In this section, you are allowed to customize the Predefined Fields which will effect across all your events.
- Filter columns to display
Similarly, on the right hand corner, below the 'Search' bar, click on the Settings Icon. You are able to filter to reflect accordingly on the Contacts Grid based on
- Show rows per page
- Show columns
Once done, Click on 'Apply' and the Contact Grid will get refreshed automatically.