If for whatever reason you have to do a credit Adjustment for an Order, the transaction can be recorded in GEVME such that the order status can be updated accordingly and allows you to record the transaction.

To Create Credit Adjustment for a Buyer

  1. Click on Orders in the left hand navigation:

      2. Under the Orders screen, select on the order

  3. This will open up the Order Details screen for that order:

4. Click on the Transaction button in the toolbar, then on Refund in the dropdown which appears:

5. Click on 'Credit' and it will open up the New Transaction - Credit  popup. Under 'Type', select a type >> 'Adjustment'. 


This is the date on which adjustment was created.

2. Type

Select a type, in this case 'Adjustment'. 

3. Amount
Key in the amount that you want to Add here.

4. Description
Add some information or reason for discount, for your own record here (this is optional). This information would show in the Receipt / Transaction printout.

5. Printout Note
This option allows you to specify a note which will be shown on the transaction printout. This also is optional.

6. Submit
To record and confirm the transaction, click on the green Submit button.

6. Observe that the corresponding Credit Adjustment transaction is created.

7. If the Order status is set to Completed by adding this credit transaction, you may Resend confirmation email to the Buyer.