Statistics is a great way for you to check on how your email campaigns are doing at a glance - and in detail. 

Accessing Statistics

To access the statistics of your email campaigns:

Click on Statistics (under Emails) on left hand navigation.

Under the Statistics screen, you will see the following information on your email campaigns on the dashboard.

  • Recipients - the number of recipients that you have emailed to

  • Campaigns - the number of email campaigns that have been sent

  • Unique Opens - the number of attendees that have opened your emails for the first time

  • Unique Clicks - the number of attendees that have clicked on links in your emails for the first time

  • Registrations - the number of attendees that have registered from your email campaigns

Viewing Email Campaigns

All Campaigns

To view all the statistics of your campaigns,  select All Campaigns under the drop-down menu.

Individual Campaigns

To view the statistics of specific campaigns, select one or more campaigns under the drop-down menu.

Viewing detailed Statistics

Getting more detailed information on your email campaigns will help you with your data analysis, market segmentation and possible email re-marketing at a later date.

Under the Campaigns tab, you will see:

Campaigns - the name of the email campaign sent

Subject - the email subject of the campaign

Sent On - the sending date and time of the email

Recipients - the number of recipients specified in the email campaign

Opens - the number of recipients that opened the email

Clicks - the number of clicks on the links present in your email

Registrations - the number of recipients that registered for your event through your email

Conversion - the percentage of recipients that converted to attendees through your email

Unopens - the number of recipients that did not open your email

Unsubscribes - the number of recipients that unsubscribed from your event’s mailing list

Complaints - the number of recipients that filed complaints with through your email

Bounces - the number of recipients whose email addresses bounced (be it soft or hard bounce)


Under the Recipients tab, you will see:

Email - the email address of the recipient

First Name - the first name of the recipient

Last Name - the last name of the recipient

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

View Contact Profile - to check out the full attendee profile of the recipient


Under the Opens tab, you will see:

Opens - the number of times the recipient has opened the email campaign

Email - the email address of the recipient

First Name - the first name of the recipient

Last Name - the last name of the recipient

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

Last Opened - the date and time of the recipient last opened the email campaign


Under the Clicks tab, you will see:

URL - the URL of the hyperlink a recipient clicked on

Clicks - the number of times a hyperlink was clicked on in the email campaign

Campaign - the email campaign the hyperlink is present in


Under the Unopens tab, you will see:

Email - the email address of the recipient who has not opened the email campaign

First Name - the first name of the recipient 

Last Name - the last name of the recipient

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

View Contact Profile - to check out the full attendee profile of the recipient


Under the Unsubscribes tab, you will see:

Email - the email address of the recipient who unsubscribed

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

Unsubscribed On - the date and time the recipient unsubscribed


Under the Unsubscribes tab, you will see:

Email - the email address of the recipient who filed a complaint

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

Unsubscribed On - the date and time the recipient unsubscribed


Under the Bounces tab, you will see:

Email - the email address of the recipient that bounced

First Name - the first name of the recipient 

Last Name - the last name of the recipient

Campaign - the email campaign the recipient is a part of

Bounce Type - what type of bounce took place

Bounce Reason - the technical reason behind the bounce

Bounced On - the date and time the email bounced

Exporting Statistics

To save a copy of the statistics for a specific section of your email campaigns, click on Export to download it to your computer.