GEVME allows you to apply taxes to your events. Taxes can be applied and setup by accessing the Taxes module from the left hand navigation.

Please note that if you have taxes setup for an event, and that there are registrations and orders already placed in that event, (i.e. participants have already bought tickets), you are not able to change the Tax Rate, Tax Type and Taxable Countries, or to turn Taxes off.

If you definitely have to change these settings, there are 2 ways to go about it:

  1. Delete all the current orders that you have, which will then re-enable the settings.
  2. Clone this event and start handling your registrations from the new event.


Below is the feature interface after you have enabled Tax function:


If you choose a country / union to apply tax, please note that selecting taxable countries here will make it compulsory for you to have a country field selection dropdown in the buyer form (which we will automatically add for you).

Here is how it looks like in the form:


If you want the taxes to be applied to all countries, you can leave it as "None selected". 

This will allow the taxes to be applied on ticket fee, regardless of buyer's countries. 

Once there is an order placed, the taxable countries will show as "All countries are taxable". 

Tax Type


This means that the price that you insert in GEVME do not include tax. For example, if you price a ticket at $650, the participant will pay $650 + Tax.

On the form, it will show :


This means that the prices that you insert in GEVME include tax. For example, if you price a ticket at $650, the participant will pay $650, with the tax being calculated and included within that price.

On the form, it will show:

Suggested Reading

Tax Calculation in Gevme