GEVME allows you to apply fees to your events. Add fees if you want to add additional charges on top of what the participant is paying. 

Fees can be applied and setup by accessing the Fees module from the left hand navigation.

At the moment, there are 3 options to add fees: 

  • Add a fee before a tax
  • Add a fee after a tax
  • Add a fee based on Payment Method

1. Add a fee before a tax

  • This fee is before tax and therefore, will subjected to tax
  • You can change the name of fee, can change fee amount to be either Percentage of Subtotal or Running total; or you can choose the Exact amount which will apply to the total fee
    • Subtotal is based on the Order items value - ticket price and any merchandise available 
    • Running subtotal is based on Order items value and other fees combined 

For example: 

Ticket price = $650

Merchandise item = $75

Fee 1 = 10% of Subtotal = ($650 + $75)*10%= $72.5

Fee 2 = 10% of Running Subtotal = ($650 + $75 + $72.5)*10% = $79.75

2. Add a fee after a tax

  • This fee is after tax and therefore, will exempted from tax 


2. Add a fee based on Payment Method 

  • You can choose the applicable payment method to apply this fee, for example, if participant pays using credit card and you need to add a service fee for the payment gateway, you can use this option
  • This fee is after tax and therefore, will exempted from tax