Edit a Ticket Type

To edit the ticket, you need to access from the Order Details. There are two ways to view Order Details, you can view from Order Tab or Attendee Tab.

Do note that this editing is only feasible if you enable Attendee Form. Events with Buyer Form only, this editing is not available.

Edit from Order

- Click on Orders in the left-hand navigation:

- Under the Orders screen, click on the order for which you want to receive payment.

Tip: You can search for the order by searching for the name or email address of the buyer, or the order number if it was provided to you by the buyer (the order number can be found in the invoice sent to the buyer).

- Clicking on the Order will open the Order Details screen for that order.

Edit from Attendee

- Click on Attendees in the left-hand navigation:

- Look for the Attendee that you wish to update

Tip: You can search for the ticket by searching for ticket, email, company name.

- Identify the Attendee and access the Attendee Sheet. From the Attendee Sheet, click on the Order#

- Clicking on the Order will open the Order Details screen for that order.

Steps to Edit the Tickets

- In the Order Details, you can start editing the ticket.

- Click on the Quick Action button and select Edit Ticket

  - This will open a prompt for you to select the New Ticket in the dropdown and click Save once you are done.

In case of change in ticket price, you will be prompted to confirm the new total for this order. Click OK and now, the new ticket type is assigned to your attendee.