Tickets in GEVME

In Gevme, every time an attendee registers for an event, he/she is issued a ticket by the system. This means that every event created has at least 1 type of ticket created by default (there can be no event without ticket). On top of that, as the organiser, you can then create additional tickets if you want to categorize or segregate your attendees, e.g. you could have a Regular Ticket priced at $100 and a VIP Ticket priced at $400.

The various settings which you can configure for your tickets are described below.

Configuring Your Tickets

The configuration settings for your tickets are accessed by clicking on the Tickets link in the left hand navigation:

Under the Tickets screen will be displayed all the tickets that your event currently has. At first glance, and at this point, these are the settings that can be configured:

Ticket Name
The name of your ticket, as it will appear on your event page.
Note: Do not use the following special characters in the Ticket Name, as this is not acceptable for Onsite checkin:

"   Double quotation mark

'   Single quotation mark or apostrophe

<  Less than symbol

>  Greater than symbol

&  Ampersand

The maximum quantity that you want to allow to be purchased for each ticket.

The price of each ticket. Insert 0 for free tickets.

Select No if you want to create a hidden ticket which would be invisible to the participants. See below for more details on hidden tickets.

The currency of your ticket prices and of your event in general, wherever money would be involved. Only 1 currency is used across the Event.
The currency cannot be changed if/when participants have already purchased tickets.

A ticket can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon.
Note: A ticket cannot be deleted if participants have already purchased it. If this has happened and you are in a situation where you want to delete a ticket which has already been purchased, you can hide that particular ticket, such that it won't be visible to participants.

Re-ordering your tickets
The sequence of your tickets can be re-arranged by clicking and dragging the cross-arrow icon. The sequence in which your tickets appear in the backend is how they will appear on your event page.

Event capacity
This is the overall maximum capacity that you want to allow for your event. This capacity overides all the individual capacity of each ticket, e.g. in the example above, if the event capacity is set to 50, registration will close when the total number of all tickets combined reaches 50.

Creating a new ticket
Click the link Create another ticket to create a new ticket.

Restrict users to register/purchase 1 ticket type only
Check this box if you want to force the participant to buy only 1 type of ticket at a time. For more details on this setting and how it will look to the participant, please refer to the article Types of Registration Displays on the Event Page.

Additionally, more advanced ticket settings can be configured by clicking on the More details link for each ticket:

Additional Ticket Settings

Click on the More details link to reveal the advanced settings for each ticket:

Ticket ID
Ticket ID would be used when creating direct links to the Registration form, refer to the article on Creating custom links.

Insert some description here if you want to provide additional information about the ticket to the participants.

Open sales on

  • Now
    Choose this option to put the ticket on sale instantly. This is the default option for every ticket created.
  • On a specific timing
    Choose this option if you want to start selling a ticket on a specific date and time.

Close sales on

  • When event ends
    Choose this option to end the sale of the ticket when your event ends. This is the default option for every ticket created.
  • On a specific timing
    Choose this option if you want to stop selling the ticket on a specific date and time.

Auto hide/show setting

  • Always show this ticket regardless of its sale status
    Choose this setting if you want to always show the ticket on your event page, whether it is on sale or not.
  • Auto hide this ticket when it is not on sale
    Choose this setting if you want to hide the ticket when it is not on sale.
  • Auto hide this ticket on customized period
    Choose this setting if you want to hide the ticket within a specific range of time.

Tickets permitted per order
This setting allows you to specify the number of tickets that you want to allow the participant to purchase at one go. For example, this setting for Ticket A:

will result in the following showing on the event page:

and if the option for '0' is not required, then it can be disabled.

Additional Ticket Settings

Refer to the article on Advanced Settings.

Hidden Tickets

Hidden tickets are created by setting their Visible setting to No:

There are 2 main reasons you might want to hide a ticket:

  • The ticket is not ready to be sold yet.
  • To create a ticket which is only revealed to participants with an access code.