When a completely new event is created, the Attendee Module will show: New - Import - Export function.  

However, please note: 

  • Importing of Attendee List is possible ONLY on RSVP Events and for non-paying events. 
  • There is NO option to import Attendee for events, where:
    - Ticket has a price
    - Merchandise & inventories with price and/or quantity
    - Promo code applying a discount
    - upon request from Event Organiser (EO), import can be enabled on the Paid event, EO to take responsibility of the limitations.  
  • Importing will override the system check (i.e. ticket capacity check, merchandise capacity check,...)
  • Other validations setup on the fields will not be considered during the import.
  • When importing, no order is created; hence the status is Blank.
  • Imported attendee will always remain a free ticket with no price.

Follow the below steps to start importing Attendee (also reference Importing Invitees): 

Step 1. In GEVME backend, choose Attendees under Manage. 

Click "Import", a box “Import Records” will show up. 

Step 2: In "Import Records", click on "Download a sample template CSV file"


Step 3: Open the sample CSV file, fill in the necessary information based on the available columns. This Sample CSV file consists of the available fields of the Attendee Form. 

- If you don't have all the information, leave it blank. Do not delete columns, as the system will not be able to detect the file due to missing columns.

- System generated data columns like IDs, created/modified date, etc should be left blank.

Step 4: Import the CSV file into the Attendee Grid.  After importing, the new Attendee records will be created. 

The Imported attendees list is saved for tracking as static lists.

Step 5: When it is required to update the attendee records, export the attendee(s), make the changes to the CSV data and re-upload that CSV file with settings to matching records based on a unique field and update with new information.

After importing, the existing Attendee records will be updated, instead of creating new attendee records. 

When import completes, the status (created/updated/failed) is shown, the failed results can be downloaded for review.

Its good practice to take a backup of existing attendees before doing the import into Attendee Grid. 


Data for multi-select field: To assign multiple options to a multi-select field, the options have to be separated by a pipe (|) character. For example: Choice 1|Choice 2|Choice 3