A data layer is a JavaScript object that is used to pass information from your website to your Tag Manager container. You can then use that information to populate variables and activate triggers in your tag configurations.

Gevme Data Layer

There is a Javascript window object available at the Gevme confirmation page which is ready for use for GTM or GA as a data layer.
Confirmation page URL (event-id would be replaced with the actual event ID): https://www.gevme.com/event-id/registration/confirmation

The format of the object is:

  • order_id: This is Gevme Order ID - Integer
  • order_total_amt: This is Gevme order total amount
  • num_tickets: It is the total number of tickets in this order
  • attendee_id : Array with all attendee's ticket number. Please note that the ticket number is unique across the platform. 
  • ticket_names: Array with all ticket names

Usage of the Javascript Object: window.gevme_confirmation.order_id

Below screenshot to show the structure of the gevme_confirmation data object structure.

Related Article:

Tracking using GTM, GA, Source and UTM parameters in Gevme