Accessing the Attendees Module

To access the Attendees module:

1. Click on Attendees in the left-hand navigation:

2. This will open up the main Attendee screen which looks like this: 

Attendee Grid Items 

From this screen, you can see the following items: 

1. List: All Attendees: attendees who buy tickets - or register to your events will appear here. 

- You can choose certain attendee(s) and assign a static list for them as different categories of attendees.

- The Attendees you delete, will appear under List: Canceled/Deleted Attendee. Accessing this list by clicking on the small arrow next to List

2. Import: You can import list of pre-registered attendees - only in csv format.  

- You can only import Attendee list if your event is free. For any paid event, or event with merchandise and inventories, or event that use promo code/ access code, the function "Import" will be disabled". 

- Read more about Importing Attendees here

3. Export: You can choose to export certain attendee, based on filtering; or export all of the current attendees. 

4. Attendee Form Field: this line is all the fields available in your Attendee Form.

- This allows you to see all the information Attendee fills up in the form, and allows you filtering the details to group attendees, to send specific emails, etc....

5. Column Search Box: The Column Search Box allows you to search through a specific column only. (1) 

- Depending on the type of the data in the column being searched, the search options will be different, e.g. for a dropdown or checkbox type, the options in the search box will be like this: 


6. Filter: You can choose to view certain fields on Attendee Form by clicking on the Gear icon, ticking on the fields you want see: 

When there are Attendees registered to the event, the view will look like this: 

Next to List, will be the total number of registered Attendees. 

Upon choosing a particular Attendee, an Action Bar with additional actions related to the Attendee record will show up. (2) 

The grid's Action Bar contains the buttons representing the various possible actions on the grid, e.g. creating a new record, exporting the records, etc.

The action bar is also contextual, i.e. different buttons will appear under different context, and when a record a selected, the possible actions on the record will also appear in the action bar, e.g.: 

(1), (2) Read more about Anatomy of the Grid here