Lucky draw, also known as a raffle or drawing, is a game of chance where participants purchase tickets, and winners are selected randomly. Typically, each ticket sold corresponds to a unique number or code, and prizes are awarded based on random selection. Lucky draws are commonly used in various contexts, such as fundraising events, promotional campaigns, or giveaways, to engage participants and provide an element of excitement and anticipation.

Considering a lucky draw for all attendees or selected participants? This feature in Gevme is designed to help you achieve your goal. 

Access Lucky Draw

This module is a Pro feature. If you do not see Lucky Draw in the main menu, please reach out to [email protected] to enquire.

You will be directed to re-login to Gevme. 

Create Prize

Click on Create Prize and start set up:

  • Prize Name:
    Give your prize a name to differentiate if you have more than 1 draw.
    In the same event, each prize name has to be unique. Do create different prize name for different draw.
  • Number of Winners:
    Determine the number of winners in this draw
  • Attendee List
    You may choose "All Attendees" or apply on the relevant Smart List and Static List that you have created.

Two types of Lucky Draw

Private Draw:

This is usually for your internal lucky draw where all participants details will be showing:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Ticket ID

Public Draw:

This is usually for a public / presentable draw that you will do a live draw on screen and display the winner's details.

In this draw, you may configure the details shown on your presentation screen. 

  • Show/Hide Fields on Public Draw Screen
    Subject to your operation, you may choose to hide/show certain fields
  • Upload Background Image
    Since the draw is shown to the public, you may upload a background image (1280 x 800 pixels, Max 4MB in .jpg and .png format).
  • Upload a Thank You Page
    This page is shown once the draw is completed, we suggest a cheering, fun image (1280 x 800 pixels, Max 4MB in .jpg and .png format).
  • Spinning Field
    It is recommended to use Name or Ticket ID as the drawn field. Do not use personal identifiable information (PII) like Email, IC or Passport Numbers. 

Lucky Draw Workflow

Now that you have set up all relevant prizes, you can start the draw

Start Draw

You can choose:

  • Private Draw: all participants details will be shown
  • Public Draw: where you can configure the details shown.


Confirm Winner

Reject Winner

If there is a need to reject a winner, you may 2 options
- Reject and Respin: The prize will be given to the next winner

- Reject and Move On: The prize is forfeited. No winner is selected. 

Show Summary and End Draw

**This is for private draw only to finalise the draw.

Post Draw

For any draw that you have done, there are audit log. You may view the draw summary, export winners as needed
